* You have to pay attention when you read the Word of God. No distractions! This is not the time to multi-task. You need to ask the author of the Word what He is saying in the passage. Do you know how many Christians just read the Bible and never talk to the author? Think about it. If you were reading a book on running, would you rather just read the book or -- if the running author came to town -- wouldn't you seek him or her out to get more of what they were writing about? Come on! We have to be more in tune with the God of the Word than the Word of God!
* We need to expect heavenly downloads! What the heck is that? Well, when I run, I ruminate over the events of the day, often discovering major answers to problems or getting ideas that just seem to be perfect for projects I'm working on. This is my "heavenly download". I expect to hear from my Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit when I run -- and I do!
* Even when I "slow down" for sleep I ask the Lord for dreams. I don't know about you but God speaks to me often while I'm asleep. I have the most profound dreams. Remember Solomon? God spoke to him in a dream and asked him what he wanted. Solomon responded by saying that he wanted to be able to discern good from evil...(1Kings3.5-14). God still speaks to us today through dreams. Many times we're so mentally busy that He chooses to speak to us in our dream life just so He can get through to us!
* Slow down at least once a week, and connect regularly with other faith-filled Christians. Be part of the family of God! Serve in your local assembly. Remember the song by Simon & Garfunkel, "I am a rock, I am an island"? Well, God created us for relationship with Him and with His Bride the Church. No man should be an island unto himself! Jesus died so we could have relationship with Him and with one another. Just read John chapters 15-17.
* Quit living for something down the road. TODAY is the day of salvation! So many people are caught up in what they'll be doing two weeks from now. HELLO! We live in a NOW Kingdom! Put away distraction and be in the moment! God is speaking to you right now -- "...the Word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart so that you may do it..." (Deut 30.14). Hear what He's speaking to you and be a person of action -- Remember faith without works is dead.
* And lastly, slow down to find JOY. "The Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but Righteousness, Peace & Joy in the Holy Spirit!" (Romans 14.17) -- Savor each moment -- know that you're a carrier of the Presence of God everywhere you go, with power to touch the lives of hurting, broken people AND you are a Joy imparter!
Now, go out and do what you do and savor your way into GREATNESS!
~peace out~
1 comment:
Thank you Shell! What a wonderful way to start a Monday. I was reminded in my quiet time this morning about my need to understand that God is in my "NOW" and I should be living in recognition of that reality rather than asking that He show Himself to me, as if hoping for this at some point in my "future". Ironic? Nahhh. Bless Him for the revelations He provides in your running, in your rest, and in your testimony as you share the wealth!!
Love ya!
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