Sunday, June 8, 2008

Atalanta Victory Run 6/7/08

What a day this was!  That's me on the very left (of course) and that's Em below. He is the one that really makes most of this possible. He is my biggest fan and support. I love him so much!  

The race starts at the Arcata Co-op and proceeds through the Arcata Bottoms and loops around and comes back. I placed 3rd in my division. The Atalanta race is for women and children only. You have a choice of doing 2 miles walk/run or a 5 miler. There were many women with children and strollers. This is such a fun, community event. I was surprised to see a large group of hispanic women with all their kids. So many, in fact, that the event was MC'd in English and Spanish. It was a beautiful day in the low 70's -- unusual for the coast. 

1 comment:

LindaW said...

Grat Job Shell! Praying for your running!! Love you guys!
LindaW (Iowa)